Arizona CVNS
Register to get connected.
Get Connected to Arizona CVNS in 4 Easy Steps
The new pre-arrest notification service, known as Arizona (CVNS) Crime Victim Notification System, can often be up and running for your county, city, or office in less than 90 days once implementation begins.
Once your office is live, Arizona CVNS runs in the background and doesn’t require any manual data entry.
Step 1: Complete the registration form
Step 2: Our collaborator, Versaterm, will reach out to help get you started.
Step 3: Implementation begins (90 days or less)
Step 4: Go-Live for your agency
Register VINE in Your County
Your partnership is crucial to the success of the victim notification program in Georgia.
Georgia has adopted VINE as the notification system of record for keeping victims and survivors of crimes informed regarding the status of an incarcerated person. In accordance with Marsy’s Law, as well as through funding secured as a result of the efforts of the Governor’s Office, The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) and Criminal Case Data Exchange Board (CDC), VINE enables the state to provide a consistent and proven service to victims and survivors, while also demonstrating law enforcement’s commitment to transparency and public safety.
For VINE to be implemented in each county, we need sheriffs to work with the VINE team. All counties are asked to complete a short, 6-question form to get the process started and provide appropriate technology contacts.
Registering is quick - make the most of state funding and help empower victims and survivors of violent crime in your county by filling out the form today.
What is VINE?
VINE is a state-funded service and the nation’s leading victim notification network. It allows survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens to access timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons.
Expanding Notifications: Adding Notifications Starting at the 911 Call
VINE is committed to supporting victim notification as early as possible. In collaboration with Versaterm, victim notifications can be expanded to begin at the time of the 911 call or incident, offering support and resources before an arrest is made, with continuing Arizona VINE notification service to inform victims of offender custody status changes.
Your partnership is crucial to the success of the Arizona CVNS program.
What is Arizona CVNS?
Arizona CVNS is a new expanded victim notification program that starts with the incident call, with continued victim notification throughout the criminal justice process. The expanded service is workes seamlessly with Arizona VINE to provide an end-to-end notification workflow across the experience of victims and survivors. VINE is a state-funded service and the nation’s leading victim notification service. It allows survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens to access timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons.
Why Register Your Agency
Proven Results
From agency communications, to community engagement, to custody status notifications, VINE and Versaterm offer over 60 years of combined experience in public safety. Arizona VINE has been providing victim notification for the past 27 years.
Implementation in just a few steps
VINE and Versaterm’s implementation teams stand at the ready to assist in enabling the Arizona CVNS service in your agency and jurisdiction.
End-to-end victim notification workflow
From the incident through the criminal justice process
VINE & Versaterm
A holistic and collaborative workflow to support victims of crime
Notifications from the incident to investigation to arrest and throughout custody
Comprehensive User Experience
Early notification between incident and arrest
Notification continues from offender booking through the criminal justice process
Integration within and across Existing Systems
Computer-aided Dispatch Systems
Case Management Systems
Jail Management Systems
Victims and survivors may call a toll-free number, visit, or use the VINELink mobile app to anonymously check on an offender's custody status.
VINE users can also register to receive automated notifications about changes in custody status via their choice of delivery method: in-app, phone, email, text, or TTY (hearing impaired) service. Using VINE is simple, and it provides agencies and law enforcement with a consistent and reliable way to ensure victims, survivors, and concerned citizens can be properly informed about the status of an individual.
How is Arizona CVNS different from the ACJC VINE program?
Arizona CVNS (expansion program) |
ACJC VINE (to continue) |
Notifications include:
Notifications include: